Necklace pendant crescent moon with a galaxy in a drop

Necklace pendant crescent moon with a galaxy in a drop

Elegant and extremely unusual decoration - a pendant on chain in the form of a crescent with a drop which reflects the galaxy.

Crescent and chain are solver plated. Galactic stone is made of a translucent cabochon which reflects the distant stars of unknown galaxies.

This pendant necklace is a truly fascinating spectacle a real eye candy!

Chain length is about 45 cm, the pendant itself measures approximately 3.5 x 4 cm.

Price: US $1.11
Discount price: US $0.81

What do owners of a chain necklace think:

Carla H. Carla H. It's a cool thing! I use it for cosplay. Everyone likes it. The chain is long enough however you can always replace it by another one. The stone is just mesmerizing.
Wendy Wendy Great! Chain is a little longish, in my opinion, so I had to shorten it. As itself crescent with pendant is less than perfect! Very beautiful. I wanna buy the same in bronze.

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