List of products (151)Accessories (118)Umbrellas (1) → Fashionable wine bottle umbrella

Fashionable wine bottle umbrella

Fashionable wine bottle umbrella

This umbrella in a wine bottle has very unusual design the case for it resembles the shape of the bottle and the bright colors make it to be a very original accessory.

Beautiful umbrella is placed in this extravagant plastic carrying case. This case will easily protect your bag from getting wet and the fabric of the umbrella from damage.

Case will not crumple because it is made of thick plastic. With its help wet umbrella can be quickly packed even in crowded public transport.

The variety of colors allows you to choose the umbrella that will reflect your style while you are in a hurry in a rainy day.

Price: US $7.89
Discount price: US $7.89

Fashionable umbrella in a bottle in the customer feedback:

Valentine Valentine Quality is good. The material is sufficiently dense canopy. Design looks very reliable, but I do not try it in a windy weather yet, to be honest.

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